Happy to be home with my little man.

Even P was excited to see me. It was the greatest welcome home I have had in a long time. (Our welcome home times from Saba were quite exciting too - airport people helping our family holding signs and eating krispy kremes as they waited for us to get off the plane. It was awesome! But back to 2008...) P started calling me Cris for some reason, and I love it because she made it up, so we go with it.

P was very excited to show off her sign. I was very excited that she was very excited. I love this girl!!

These cars were a nightly routine for P and Maddox. Ok, actually they were more like a 24/7 routine for these two. They had so much fun chasing each other around in them.

How manly can you get? A pink barbie convertible with a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the front. It was his favorite though. Once he figured out how to hold the button down instead of giving himself whiplash in 30 second increments by pushing and letting go repeatedly, he really got around!

Maddox followed P everywhere she went. By the time I got back from the cruise, there were 2 strollers in an effort to appease both parties. They were great because if Kimberly and I were trying to accomplish something we would just get out the strollers and send them on their way!

One day they were pushing strollers and we noticed it got quiet for a bit. That is never a good sign with kids unless they are in bed. Low and behold, P had uninstalled her Dora training potty and given it to Maddox to take for a stroll. Don't worry, they traded after a bit so they both got the benefit of the germs. Gross.

While I was there, Carter got to start on solid food. He didn't seem to care for it too much, but P sure loved trying to feed it to him. "I wanna do it."

Cute little Carter had to put up with A LOT of noise while we were there. I am sure he was happy for a little more peace and quiet when we left.

I don't remember how it started, but P and I would play "silly hair" every night. She would do my hair and I would do hers. Then we would make silly faces at each other. I am sure it was part of my pathetic attempt to get her to play beauty shop with me and brush my hair for hours on end. Funny that Kimberly and I used to think Mom and our Aunt Elaine were crazy when they would fight over whose turn it was at the "beauty shop" and we found ourselves doing the same thing with P.

We took CeCe out for her birthday. P and I made her some birthday cupcakes with sprinkles. We had a great time. Not sure how mom ended up taking care of both kids all throughout her birthday dinner. She claims she likes it. I don't know if she even got to eat her meal. We really tried to take them away for a bit, but those of you who know mom know that is quite impossible. Carter just chilled in his car seat the whole time.

Wearing Papa's hat and watching the olympics. Does life get any better than this?

Papa and Maddox in their matching seersucker outfits. Two of my favorite "sharp dressed men"

Watching Cricket in the backyard waiting to leave for church.

While I was in Dallas I also got to go see my dear friend and college roommate Meredith. She was such a trooper and had such a great attitude seeing that she had been stuck in that hospital room for weeks on bed rest. She has now had the babies, a little girl named Kathryn and a little boy named Garrett. To see some pics of these precious twins and read about her story you can click here. I love this girl so much and have missed her since we have been moving around so much.

Cece and her 3 bundles of joy. They flock to her. Who doesn't love Cece?

We met the Hogue side of the family at Cozumel's (I had to get my Mexican food fix) and had a great time. Great Aunt Staryme and Uncle Ronnie brought Maddox some books, one of which goes with us everywhere now he loves it so much, Nana and Pappa brought him a shrek flashlight that he was infatuated with (he still loves to stare directly into the light for some odd reason) and Grammi and Pappy brought him a cute frog slinky that ended up being oh so much help on the plane! I tell you this kid is spoiled even living so far away! We love it!

Maddox loves his Grammi and Pappy

and his great Nana and Pappa. We kept trying to get some good pictures with everyone, but with his newly acquired skills, all he wanted to do was...


Enjoying some Chicken Express Sweet Tea. Man that stuff is good. So good I had to trick him into thinking it was gone by pulling the cup down so that the straw was out of the liquid. If you are thinking I am mean to not let him drink it all, let me give you one word: CAFFEINE!

Ok, only one more post to be caught up. Well with our summer at least. Then I need to catch up to present day, huh? Ha ha. Well, I am off to paint for a bit. Catch up with you soon!