My camera was full so I missed out on a lot of pictures toward the end, but maybe I can get some copies from the rest of the family. We also went to the bounce house with Presley and Carter, the park with the Hogues, and had a FUN 1st birthday party with Carter. We also had a lot of fun putting all 3 kids in the bath together at Kimberly's house, but I always feel a little weird putting those pics on the internet, so you will just have to trust me...they were FUNNY!
And here are a few pics to catch you up on the rest of our life.....I didn't put titles on this one, so in the order you will see them...
Enjoying the Lowcountry Childrens Museum
Dying Easter eggs, an egg hunt and some fun on the slide
A trip to the park
Maddox and Issac having some fun in the pool
His first mini roller coaster and zip line rides!
With some music from his favorite movie - CARS!
And finally, for those of you who may not have heard yet.....
Here is my excuse for not updating for so long.

The nausea started at week 4 this time and I thought I was tired with the first pregnancy....when you add chasing an almost 2 year old around it changes the definition a bit. (Do I still want 3 kids?????) So, when Maddox went to did I! But I feel much better now. The nausea is pretty much gone and I don't feel like a narcoleptic anymore. This sonogram was taken just shy of 7 weeks. (My dr. was making sure I wasn't having multiples because I found out so early and started getting sick so early. And because my friend Crystal was trying to play a trick on me. It is not good when your best friend works with your OB!) I am now at 14 weeks and crazy enough I already have a bit of a "baby bump". That has started much earlier this time too!
So, there you go. I believe we are all caught up now. Maddox's 2nd birthday is coming up in a few weeks....CRAZY! I wish I could freeze time and keep him at this age. He is so much fun and amazes me (and cracks me up) every day! His favorite thing right now is his alphabet foam puzzle that Cece sent him for Easter. We work it at least 4 times a day. He is so enthralled with letters, he knows all of the alphabet and he can even spell a few simple words now. What really amazed me was the other night when he found Waldo on 3 separate pages in one of my old "Where's Waldo" books. I mean I know exactly where Waldo is on every page and he beat me to it! So I am guessing he is a real thinker or I am getting dumb in my old age. Maybe a little of both!
I hope you are all enjoying the warm weather and thanks again for not giving up on us! We might be heading out to the Orangeburg festival of roses tomorrow depending on the weather, so if we go I am sure I will have some pics of that for you. Have a great weekend!