Surprise! Pay no attention to the ticker at the top of the screen, Greyson has made his debut. Last Thursday night around 9:00 pm, just after a normal OB visit (at which we commented on how it was the exact day that the dr sent me to the hospital with Maddox - 21 days early) and after telling my mom she had time - I wouldn't be going into labor yet, I started feeling uncomfortable. By the end of that hour, I was having contractions. By 11:30 we were on our way to the hospital. At 8:50 am Friday morning, October 9th, Greyson Gage Hogue was born. He weighed 4 lbs 13 oz and was 17 1/4 inches long. Thus his new nickname - "Little Bit". He had a knot in his umbilical cord which is why we think God brought him to us a little early and probably the cause of his small size. Because he was early and so little he had to stay in the nursery while we were in the hospital, but he passed all of the million tests they ran on him with flying colors. We are now home and he is doing great! Maddox is such a great big brother too. We have had a couple of busy days since we got home because Greyson has had dr. visits both days so we haven't had our official "photo shoot" yet, but I wanted to put up some pictures from the hospital for you.
Just after his first bath
Maddox passing the time in the hospital playing with his cars
Wide awake
My boys!
We have been trying to find things to take Greyson's picture with that will show how little he is - this is my preemie cabbage patch kid that Maddox has been calling "Little Brother" for months now.