Maddox Caeden Hogue...The Man, The LegendWell we are home now and having a great time with our awesome little kiddo. He is so cute. We've had a couple all nighters feeding him, but we are all getting the hang of things now. Our dog (Macy) thinks he is one of her little puppies. She is very protective and chases off our other puppy (Runty) when he comes near. Everytime he cries she comes running to help out.
Here are some pics from our new adventures
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I think this picture is hilarious, he was a little upset when the nurse checked his temp...not pleasant! His first carseat ride.
You can't tell she's proud can you?

We thought this outfit was appropriate after the "FUN" we had last night.
His first pediatrician vist went well. Here you can really see how tiny he is. Dont worry, he's feeding well and gaining weight.
Macy...his personal body guard. She thinks he is one of her own puppies.

This is one of the magazine covers we made for his Rock and Roll themed room.
You guys didnt know he already had a Hollywood Boulevard Star did ya. This is also hanging in his Rock and Roll room.

I made this to put on my desktop. We're so proud!!