First, let me say thank you for all of the encouragement you have given us. It always helps to hear stories of parents who have survived hours of screaming fits. It gives us hope. :) Last week Maddox started throwing up after he was feeding. That, coupled with the fact that he was always fighting me when he was nursing made Caisson think that he might have acid reflux. With all the crying and fighting while nursing, we had assumed he wasn't able to get enough to eat. We had tried all sorts of things and kept supplementing with bottles, but it didn't seem to help much. So after the throwing up started, we went to the pediatrician and she agreed - probably reflux. She gave him a prescription for Zantac that we started last night so we will see if that helps. So, that was probably his problem this whole time instead of colic. Wouldn't it be nice if babies came out with the ability to talk? I mean we could have saved him weeks of pain and us weeks of sleeplessness and insanity! So I am hoping this will make him feel better. I always felt so sorry for him because we could tell he was hurting, we just thought it was from his excessive tooting!! ha ha! Thanks again for the makes me feel better knowing you had this problem too and the medicine helped.
We also found out at the pediatrician that he now weighs 10 POUNDS!! I can't believe it. Caisson had told his parents that was what he weighed and I told him he was crazy. Well, I was wrong! He is still wearing the smallest clothes we have, so I guess all his weight is in his double chin! He has just about doubled his birthweight in 6 weeks. The doctor said usually they want a baby to double the birth weight by 6 months! I guess we sped that process up a bit! I am sure our thinking he wasn't eating enough and stuffing more milk down him helped pack on the pounds!!
He has also gotten pretty good at sleeping close to 5 hours most nights. We are loving it!! I never thought I would be so excited about 5 hours of sleep.
Here are a few more pics for you...
All dressed up for church. Uncle Bud would be proud of his seersucker pants.

Chillin' in his swing. This is where he lives these days. It is the only place we can get him to go to sleep. Now that we know it is reflux it makes sense because the inclined position helps.

One of the many pictures we take when he is just sitting there making faces at us and we of course think it is the most adorable thing ever!

We are going to a dinner for the residents graduating tonight. I am hoping Maddox will get to wear his shirt and tie if it is not too terribly big. We will have to post some pictures tomorrow of his big night out.
Well, I better go get myself ready before he wakes up...more pics and stories soon!