Here are some pics of our Texas tour. We have had a great time visiting everyone and getting to show off our son! We have some really good pics from the party at my Grandma's house, but they are stuck on the laptop which is dead and we think the power cord is in SC so we will have to add those when we get back.
Swinging with Grandma and Grandpa
Uncle Shayde
3 months old!
He looks like he just finished Thanksgiving dinner and is lounging on the couch watching football and holding his fat belly!
Cousin Presley loved to hold Maddox.
Watching Sesame Street together
Mercy Me concert before the Ranger game
At the Ranger game - We had a great time and I had a lot to eat! I haven't had a good ball park hot dog in a long time!!
Dad and Garrett at the game
Maddox hanging with his Papa
The Baby Whisperer...also known as Mama C. Maddox couldn't wait for her to get home from work so she would rock him. He would sleep for hours!!
Showing off his Texas pride with Papa and Mama C
The "Sharp Dressed Men"
Maddox's friend Conrad. He is only 6 weeks older than Maddox.
Conrad waiting patiently for his Sweet Potatoes.
Gramie rocking Maddox to sleep.
Pappy rocking Maddox to you see a pattern here? I am going to have one spoiled boy after this trip!!
Uncle Shayde bought Maddox this cool jumperoo. He loves to look at the Gecko and parrot. I think this was the first time he discovered them and it took him by surprise!
Having lunch by the pool.
More fun in the jumparoo.
Another car ride....he actually acts like he likes it now. (That makes mom and dad very happy!)
Rockin' in the "Training Room" at church. We had to strip him down because he was so hot!
Just chillin' at church.
He loves taking baths now too. (Another thing Mom and Dad are very thankful for!)
4 months old! I can't believe it!
He loves trying to stand up.
Caisson's Aunt Karon.
Daddy and Maddox chillin' out after a great hamburger at Karon and Jerry's.

We will start the journey back to SC tomorrow. We hope to be there by saturday night. We sure have loved our time in the Lone Star State!
We will start the journey back to SC tomorrow. We hope to be there by saturday night. We sure have loved our time in the Lone Star State!
Awww, Tiff! He's getting SO big! Noah and Maddox will be, like, WALKING before they meet :(
I'm glad you were able to spend so much time in TX. It's always nice to go home! I miss you! Call me when y'all are driving home, and bored. We need to catch up! :o)
I am SOOOO glad to see new pics! We've been anxiously awaiting them! I can't believe how big he has gotten. It goes by so fast at first, and only gets worse! But life gets better and better, so it is worth it. :) Hope your trip back is smooth sailin'!
He gets cuter every time I see him !!! I will be saying prayers for you guys that you have a safe, speedy trip home with minimal crying ( from Maddox or you and Caisson :) hope to see you guys again soon- love ya-
We were so happy to get to meet Maddox and see you and Caisson. I am happy you had such a great time in Texas! Super cute pictures...keeep 'em coming!
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