Enjoying his first take of cake and Connie's almost famous icing!
He really didn't know what to do with it at first. He stuck his fingers in the icing, but then just kind of looked at them like, "What do I do now?" We broke it up into pieces and then he understood, "Oh - this is FOOD!" Then he tore into it. He loved it! He ate most of the 4" cake by himself! That's my boy!!
Please notice Maddox's interest in his dad's face while we are trying to take a family photo...
It is hard to see it in this picture but he smeared icing right under Caisson's nose. Again....that's my boy! ha ha!
Now it is time for presents!Wow! A dump truck! Even better....dump truck WHEELS! He immediately turned it over and started spinning the wheels.
He did pause for a second to see what I just pulled out of the top of the dump truck. Hmmmm....building blocks.....those look cool......

...And spinning.... (this is a big wheel that sings the alphabet and animals when you spin it. Of course he doesn't care what else it does as long as it moves in a circular motion!)

...And Spinning...

...and spinning....even while I am trying to put on his bathing suit.

Oh wait...more spinning.

He does love his chair from Papa and CeCe. I don't know how many times he has traced these letters with his little fingers. Then he stands in front of it and rocks it back and forth. I have tried putting him in it a few times. He really just likes to rock it empty. He has enjoyed his new seat when Elmo is on though.
By the way...the pool party part of the birthday bash didn't go so well. Could be that he didn't like the little pool we got him, or could be that we took him away from spinning the wagon wheels. I am betting on the latter.
It was so funny because most of his presents (from everyone, not just us) were picked out by what they thought would spin the best. I guess his obsession is more than obvious!
We are so lucky to have such great friends and family that really made this day so special for Maddox, but even more so for me and Caisson. We love you all!
Coming up next....
Maddox's 1 year pics with the blocks...or I should say my best attempt at getting the blocks in the picture, his first trip to the beach, and I am still looking for Caisson's birthday pictures. I am afraid those might be gone forever, but I continue to search. Keep checking back!
Sooo cute!
His obsession with spinnies must rival Noah's. Every thing round gets spun. He takes knobs off of furniture because he spins 'em till the unscrew. Silly boys!
Miss and love you guys!
There's nothing like that first birthday - hard to believe he's already 1! Looks like you guys had a great time. Oh, and I love your haircut!
Happy Birthday! Hope all is well. Glad to see a messy boy. Cake face is the best!
Happy b-day Maddox! The first b-day is so fun. Good to see your computer is working again!
tiffany and caison,
found y'all's blog via someone else's (i honestly can't remember...i've been blog lurking for a couple of hours now;)
so good to see your fun family! maddox is adorable! happy 1st birthday!!!
So, will this blog only go to his first birthday? :)
What's new??
Love, B
how cute is he?? looks like you had a great time. when is your next trip here??? i would love to see you-i missed you when you were here with kim. love ya-tell everyone hi!
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