We had a sonogram on Friday and got to see our little baby boy. At first he was really still, but then he started moving around and showing off! They said everything looks really good. We even got to see the lens on his eyeball. As of Friday, his legs are 2 days ahead of the rest of his body, and they said he has big feet. I guess he thinks since he might be sharing a birthday with his Uncle Garrett, he might as well share the height too. I felt him move for the first time on Dec. 21st. It was so neat. We have also included a picture of my belly. I am starting to get a little bit of a bump now, but it looks more like I have just eaten too much over the holidays! We love you all and can't wait to see everyone. We will keep you updated on our little boy's growth. Please keep praying for him. We appreciate your prayers!

I won't stop praying-I promise! What a fun time for you and Legs being pregnant too...so fun! Keep posting pictures, I love seeing them!
Susan (johnson)young
We can't wait to meet our favorite cousin! You are almost halfway done!!
Yeah for boys!
I am so excited. Our little boys can be roomies!!!!
Hey Tiffany...this is Mav(I was one of your NuNus). Congrats on the baby boy! I check in on you every once in a while and was excited when I saw the heart beat update. You and your family will be in my prayers. I look foward to hearing more about the baby.
congratulations tiffany!! i was wondering when you were going to have a little one!!!
love molly carrigan...now abrigg as of december 15th!
Happy New Year -You look great !! Houston's ready to play with his newest cuz ...We will keep the prayers going your way !!
Wow, you can really tell your baby bump there Momma! It's not so obvious most days at work! I'm happy for you all but you already know that! See you in the morning...
I love that little guy so much!!! You look ADORABLE-LOVE the long hair! LOOK at your calendar-we've gotta get a date set for your shower!
Hi Tiffany! I found your blog randomly and am so glad that I checked it! Congratulations on your little boy! I have a 17 month old boy, and he is SO fun. I don't know anything about girls, but I do know that boys are super fun! Happy New Year!
Kate (Barclay) Martin
Yea for little boys!! Congrats you guys!!! You look STUNNING Tiff... not surprising of course! Anyways, Reagan and I pray for you (we have a long list of pregnant friends!) every night. I'll keep checking up on ya!! Tell Caisson hi!!
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