I can't believe there are only 10 weeks left until Maddox's debut! (That is if he doesn't hold out on me!) We are so excited for him to get here. Our last appointment we were supposed to have a sonogram, but the tech was sick so it got rescheduled. I know I promised pics of the baby, but we will have to wait until next time. Hopefully when we go on April 10th we will get to see him. He never quits moving! I asked Caisson if it was any indication of what he will be like when he gets here....if so, we will never sleep! I thought I would give you an updated picture of the belly. It seems like it gets bigger every day now. Sleeping has become a thing of the past, but I just make up funny songs about it when Caisson and I are getting ready in the morning. I try not to let it get me too frustrated. We have named my nights "pillow circus" because I have 2 body pillows, one wedge pillow, my regular pillow, another standard size pillow, and then the bed chair pillow for when I need to sleep sitting up. It is a circus because these all change positions with me all night trying to find a position that will suffice for at least 30 minutes. I have thought it might be quite comical to video tape the whole charade one night. Oh well, the joys of pregnancy...right? Some of you have asked about cravings. I really haven't had any too strong - at least I haven't made Caisson go anywhere in the middle of the night. I LOVE Claussen pickles (which is so cliche, but it is so true) and I am always up for a good steak (which was rare for me to want pre-pregnancy). We are also going through 3 gallons of milk a week now (Caisson does some damage to the milk too so it is not just me). Other than those, I just get excited about random things every now and then - like black cherry kool aid this weekend. I do remember Kimberly getting very excited about a certain bucket of blueberries, so I guess this random amazement at the greatness of certain foods is pretty normal. Ok, I am sure you didn't want a novel, so I will hold off on my stories until next time. We miss everyone and can't wait to see you all! We are hoping to come home with our new addition sometime in July if everything goes well. Talk to you soon!
We cannot wait for Maddox to get here too and you still look incredible !! Thank goodness for body pillows is all I have to say- Kurt used to call mine the pillow
"mountain" - There was no scaling that mountain :) You do what you have to do to get any amount of sleep !! Take care of yourselves and we cant wait to meet him !
Sister -
You look so cute! Can't wait to see you & your belly in about 3 weeks! P is excited too!!
Love you!
Yippee!! You look great! Girl, I remember the pillow circus. I slept with 4 pillows of all different sizes. And when I say "slept" I mean until 29 weeks. After that, I just snoozed a few minutes, woke up to pee, or to shift pillows, or to eat a snack, or to go work on her nursery, then snoozed a little to start all over again. Once I took a bubble bath in the middle of the night and slept on a bath pillow for 3 hours! Greatness! You should try it! But don't drown. Anyways, sorry I got carried away with typing. Just wanted to say hi and that we are excited for you guys!
You look SO cute! I can't wait to meet Maddox! :o)
I also sleep with MANY pillows, toss and turn all night, and keep poor Jason awake.
You guys are always in our thoughts!! Miss you!
You are too precious! Congratulations! I stumbled on your blog and am so excited for you and Caisson! Y'all will be great parents! Take care of your sweet self!
Mauri (Marzolino) Westbrook
Hey Tiff! In case I don't get to the computer tomorrow, I wanted to go ahead and wish you a happy birthday! I was just thinking today about our many joint birthday parties - skating rink, McDonald's, etc., with our matching outfits! Have a good one!!!
T-Dawg! So glad I found your blog through Meredith's. I am just a few weeks ahead of you - at 37 weeks right now...and I can totally relate about the pillow circus. Then once you do get comfy it is time to pee again! Ugh...pregnancy is so fun! Check out our blog sometime too for baby updates.
and tell Caisson we say hello.
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