Our adventure for Monday was to go take some pictures at the pumpkin patch. My neighbor and her 3 kids went too - looked to be a fun time. Well, Maddox didn't agree. He decided his "trick" for this Halloween was to make everyone at the pumpkin patch think I was the worst Mom ever. He screamed from the time we got out of the car. I promise I had fed him, changed him and he had slept right before we left. Maybe my kid is afraid of pumpkins. I don't know. At least we got the trick over and now I can wait for the treat! Mindi got some good pictures of her kids and they each got to pick out a pumpkin so that was fun. We got some pictures of Maddox - not really what we were going for, but they are funny anyway.
Notice the grumpy pumpkin behind him...they could be good friends!
My poor little man looks so sad. "Why do you do this to me Mom?"
This is my neighbor Nathan with the pumpkins they bought that day. He was so proud of his jack-o-lanterns.

Maddox has decided that everything tastes better when eaten sideways. I tried everything to get him to sit up straight, I thought I had him in the Bumbo lopsided, but he just kept leaning over, so we just went with it. He ate the whole bowl of cereal in this position.
This is his cute little outfit Mama C smocked for him. The blocks have his initials in them. He wore it to church this past Sunday and everyone thought he looked so cute!
We have started "sleep training" this week. He got to the point where he was only taking 30 minute naps during the day and was so unpredictable about when he would nap. He was also fussy a lot of the time and I knew he was tired, but couldn't get him to sleep. He was waking up about every hour or so during the night. Well, I can't keep up with that, so I plopped myself down in the floor of Barnes and Noble and picked out a book. I am only about half way through, but I have put into practice what I have read so far, and it is already working! We have only been in our sleep "boot camp" as I like to call it for 3 days but he is already doing so much better. So, if any of you are having the same troubles, I would like to recommend to you "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." It is so great, and he acknowledges the real life factor of all of this as well, which most of the books don't. It also goes up through age 3 I think. So future help as well. I told my Mom I feel kind of dumb now after reading it, like I should have realized this on my own, but maybe I get a free pass since he is my first. Poor first kid has to suffer through his Mom's stupidity. Hopefully he will survive without too much damage!