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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Cereal and Surfin'

Well, I was finally able to upload pics. I don't know what was happening before, but they are here now! Maddox tried rice cereal for the first time last week. These are some pics from his first encounter with solid (semi solid at least) foods.

I don't think he was too impressed!

We have tried several more times and even thickened it up a bit since then and he is starting to take a good bit of if. I will post some more pics of that later. It is so much fun to feed him! We crack up the whole time and the camera never stops!
This surf board is the only way I can get him to spend some "tummy time".
He was working so hard to get that crab!

He is also the most hot natured baby I have ever known, (takes after his dad for sure), so this is now his usual attire - just a diaper. I think he looks so cute though, and it saves me quite a bit of laundry.
This was just one night after a bath and he was talking up a storm. He looked so cute in his little towel so I had to share this pic.
I haven't forgotten about posting pics from the party at my Grandma's for those of you who are waiting for those, we just haven't found the laptop cord yet so it is still out of commission.
Well, Caisson is bored and wants to play the Wii, so I am going to beat him in a game of bowling. I will post more tomorrow.


Jodi said...

Cute Cute Cute!!! He is so smiley!!

When I have had those troubles with pics, try only posting 3 at a time instead of 5. That has worked for me before...

Laura said...

Wow! He is getting so big! What a gorgeous smile! We miss him already!