Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Celebrate Good Times, Come on! Sing with me....
We have been bragging to our parents about their grandson's crawling, talking, clapping and window washing abilities. So since Maddox doesn't get to see them often enough, we have put together a video so they can see his brilliance. ;)
And another reason for celebration...
Caisson officially has a job!!!! He has a signed contract with Palmetto Primary Care Physicians here in South Carolina. We are so excited and I am so proud of him. This has been a long time in the making with a lot of sweat, tears and HARD WORK on his part. He has sacrificed so much for our family and I am so glad it is about to pay off for him with the job he was really hoping for.
Congratulations Caisson! I love you and am proud of you more than I could ever express.
We also want to wish a Happy Birthday to Maddox's new cousin
Makinley Kate born on St. Patrick's Day

Yeah, I know, gross. 
So that is all for now. Maddox was walking behind the Huggies box yesterday pushing it across the living room, but by the time I had the camera out, he was stuck on the door stop. It was quite exciting though. So maybe we will have some "starting to walk" videos soon. Thanks for letting us indulge in the simple excitement of the accomplishments of a 10 month old.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, March 07, 2008
Growing Pains
I know you will be shocked to see 2 posts in the same week...but I had to share this. Maddox has moved to a "big boy" car seat and I took one last picture of him in his infant carrier.
First day in his first car seat. We had everything on the smallest setting and it was still not tight enough. The chest piece is digging into his poor chin.
Last day in his first car seat. A short 9 months later, his feet are touching the back seat, all the straps have been moved to the biggest setting, and he can sometimes get his arms out of the straps when he really isn't into being stuck in "baby jail".

It makes me kind of sad and sentimental. Where has the time gone?
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
My son the tazmanian devil
Maddox has become a wild man and is constantly moving...and fast! Now when I am trying to change his clothes or get him ready for bed, I end up having to put him on the floor and straddle my tornado of a son just so I can get him dressed without constantly chasing him across the room. The other night I got his clothes off but didn't have the diaper ready, and by the time I got out the desitin and the diaper, he had made it into the bathroom and was standing up at the tub. I have to plan ahead or else he is off and into everything!
Maddox got a new car seat yesterday. (He is past the length limit and 1 pound away from the weight limit of his infant carrier, so we got a big chair that can go backwards until he turns 1) I put him in the box just to see what he would do and he loved it! He got upset when I took him out to change his diaper!
This picture made me think of my favorite comic...
Maybe with inflation he can charge 10 cents for his infinite wisdom instead of Lucy's 5 cents.
Having some fun by the pond.
This is what I see every morning when I come to get him. He can't wait to be rescued from his crib. He is a morning person for sure!
Begging Daddy to stay home from work and play.
He has also started mimicing what we do. He thought this was rather fun!
Fun times at the park. He wasn't sure what to do with the mulch. I it. No. Not happy when Mom took it out of his mouth. 'Cause you know - wood chips are so tasty!
Watching the big kids play.
Watching the baseball game. He was very interested in the game...could be the start of something big!
He loves the swing.
This picture is a little dark, but please notice the mohawk. Some days no matter what we do it will not lay down. He woke up from a nap with this rockstar do and we couldn't quit laughing.
Favorite way to pass the day - looking out the window. He loves to be outside. Who cares if it is raining and there are tornado warnings?
Another mimicing skill - I turn my head side to side to get him to laugh when he is grumpy at dinner time. Then one day he started doing it with me. Now it is his favorite dinner game.
And the other side...back and forth.
We also have to have the lick test with everything! And I mean everything. We think he gets this from his Uncle Shayde.
Tonight we had another major mimicing event - he clapped. I have been working with him for days on this, and tonight he did it, I think on accident at first, but then he turned and looked at me with this expression of wonder and amazement and then just went crazy! He was so excited he was bouncing up and down on his bottom and laughing like he had just discovered electricity. I was in the middle of cooking dinner with my hands covered in sauce of course, but clapped with him for a second, then washed my hands to try to get a video of it, and of course then he was more interested in the camera than clapping. Oh well, we will try again tomorrow.

Bye for now!
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