We have been bragging to our parents about their grandson's crawling, talking, clapping and window washing abilities. So since Maddox doesn't get to see them often enough, we have put together a video so they can see his brilliance. ;)
And another reason for celebration...
Caisson officially has a job!!!! He has a signed contract with Palmetto Primary Care Physicians here in South Carolina. We are so excited and I am so proud of him. This has been a long time in the making with a lot of sweat, tears and HARD WORK on his part. He has sacrificed so much for our family and I am so glad it is about to pay off for him with the job he was really hoping for.
Congratulations Caisson! I love you and am proud of you more than I could ever express.
We also want to wish a Happy Birthday to Maddox's new cousin
Makinley Kate born on St. Patrick's Day

Yeah, I know, gross. 
So that is all for now. Maddox was walking behind the Huggies box yesterday pushing it across the living room, but by the time I had the camera out, he was stuck on the door stop. It was quite exciting though. So maybe we will have some "starting to walk" videos soon. Thanks for letting us indulge in the simple excitement of the accomplishments of a 10 month old.
Have a great weekend!
Yeah Caisson! IT's about freakin time!
I love the video of Maddox. He is super sweet. Love his talking! But how can I get him to come to my house to clean my windows! :)
Happy Easter weekend!
Awww, he's so cute! Noah's gonna get to crawlin' one of these days, I don't think he's in a big rush seeing that we have these horrid "hard wood" floors. His poor little knees. Your carpet looks so nice in comparison!
Congrats Caisson!
Also, what was the name of that restraunt we went to w/ Ben and Crystal in FL?
just to let you know, I woke up in a funk this morning and decided to get online before work and there maddox was. He has made my day better, or at least brought me a few more smiles for the day, cant wait to see you guys, hes so cute! Maybe the funk Im in will be gone by then;)haha, Have a good day!
I am so excited for you guys. I bet Caisson is so ready. Clint has a little over 2 years left in his residency. I can't wait for him to be done. Maddox is so cute.
Congrats Caisson AND Tiff! I know that is a HUGE accomplishment for both of you!
Hope the practice is just what you are wanting and needing..I will be sure to harass you every chance I get! ha!
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