Maddox's first visit with the Easter Bunny.

Our best Easter Basket Ever!

Look! I can almost fit the whole egg in my mouth!

Here I'll let you see from the side - almost the entire egg! What do you think about that? Now that is talent.

Happy Easter! We love you all!
What a cutie!! He seems like such a perfect split between you guys... sometimes I think he looks just like Caisson, other times he is such a Sublette! Does he favor either of your baby pics?
Fun fun fun Easter. Aren't holidays so much better now with kiddos?!?! Yay for that!
Oh, and congrats to Caisson and all three of you on the job! Y'all all have been through a lot to get here! Yay!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Notebook, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Ummm, so I need some 11 month pics!
Hope you're all doing well! Miss ya!
i have sent you emails but they keep getting sent back to! hope you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday-I thought of you all day! sorry I didn't get a chance to call. things are crazy around here these days-check my blog. :) I am so happy for caisson-what a great feeling!! i hope he loves it. maddox is ADORABLE! Email me - ours changed to Miss you and PLEASE PLEASE let me know when you are coming to see your new nephew-I would LOVE to see you and bring Maddox a birthday prez! tell your family hi!!!!
Hey, it was great to meet your little one at the wedding (and to see y'all!). He's so super cute!
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