Many of you have already heard about the doghouse. If you haven't, well, I built a doghouse. The man who built our fence left tons of wood behind, so I put it to good use. We only have one pine tree in the back yard and it doesn't offer much shade. It gets really hot out here when the humidity is high so I thought I would give the dogs somewhere to hang out outside without suffering a heat stroke. It is not quite finished yet. I still need to put shingles on the roof and paint it. They actually do use it (thank goodness!) and Macy loves the porch. The plans I got for the house were for a medium sized dog, (Macy and Runty supposedly fit into the small catagory), so I thought the med. would be big enough for both of them. But, once I started building the frame I could tell it would be too small and they would never go in. So I started "winging" it and it turned out a little bigger than I expeced. My Dad got a real kick out of the fact that it is big enough for me to crawl in so I have included that picture in case you need a good laugh today too.
I hope everyone has a good day. Talk to you tomorrow.
There was actually a doghouse that Runty had the potential of not fitting in? Are you sure you did not buy the plans for a hamster cage?
Tiff that is huge! The roof also has a much sharper angle than it did when we were out there. You can build me a house someday so me and Zeus can have a comfy place to sleep. Miss you guys.
Hi Tiffany! I can't believe it's you! I of course got here through Garrett's blog and I got to Garrett's blog through Christine Pinson's blog. But, I am so glad I found yours!! It sounds like you guys are doing well! What are you up to?? You talked all about Caisson, but what's happening with you?
Great job on the dog house. I guess we know who recieved the building skills in the Sublette children. Maybe Garrett could decorate it with a throw and other items from Linens-N-Things.
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